Apricot Soufflé

Feiner Marillenauflauf
Apricot Soufflé
Foto: Pambieni / PIXELIO
  • Zutaten

10 apricots
1/4 l white wine
60 g powder sugar
4 eggs
80 g granulated sugar
60 g nuts or hazelnuts
20 g breadcrumbs
40 g Butter
  • Zubereitung

Cut all apricots in half and stone them, poach them with 1/4 l white wine and und 60 g sugar(not too long so that they do not disintegrate).
Whisk 4 egg whites until turned very stiff, gradually add half of the granulated sugar, then add the yolks and the remaining 40 g granulated sugar, the breadcrumbs and the nuts as well as the 40 g melted and cooled butter. Butter well a casserole, spoon half of the mixture into it, place the apricots on top and spoon in the rest of the mixture.
Preheat the oven and bake at about 180° C, slightly leaving open the oven door for 10 minutes so that the dough volume can raise. Bake for 25 minutes altogether until the cake is golden brown. The cake is best when served tepid.

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