Pork Fillet with Pumpkin

Schweinsfilet mit Kürbis
Pork Fillet with Pumpkin
Foto: fotoaloja / clipdealer.com
  • Zutaten

800 g pork fillet
2 sprigs rosemary
2 sprigs thyme

500 g pumpkin
10 g freshly chopped ginger
50 g onion
40 g butter
200 ml dry white wine
400 ml vegetable broth
coriander, caraway
1 pinch sugar
300 ml single cream

  • Zubereitung

Cut pork fillet into 1.5 cm thick slices, season with salt and pepper. Heat butter, add the herbs and sear the meat until golden brown, remove from the pan and keep warm in the oven.

Pumpkin vegetable:
Dice the pumpkin into evenly cut cubes and finely slice the rest of it. Peel the onion, chop and roast in butter. Add finely sliced pumpkin, ginger, coriander, caraway seeds, white wine and vegetable broth and simmer for 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and sugar. Now add the pumpkin cubes, cook and remove from the pan. Add single cream to the pumpkins, simmering for another five minutes. Strain the sauce and pour it over the fillet, serve with sauce and pumpkin cubes.

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