Raspberry Streusel Cake

Himbeer Streuselkuchen
Raspberry Streusel Cake
Foto: Florentine / PIXELIO
  • Zutaten

250 g powder sugar
250 g butter
50 g dark chocolate
4 eggs
250 g ground almonds
100 g flour
2 tablespoons rum
500 g raspberries

120 g flour
peel of half organic lemon
pinch salt
100 g butter flakes
100 g granulated sugar

  • Zubereitung

Mix flour, salt and grated lemon peel, knead in butter flakes and sugar, and allow to rest in a cool place for one hour.For the dough melt chocolate in a double boiler. For this chop the chocolate, place it in a clean stainless-steel bowl or the top of a double boiler, and set the bowl over a pan of hot or simmering (not actually boiling) water. The bottom of the bowl should not directly come in contact with the water below nor should the water be boiling. Also, do not cover the bowl or double boiler because steam could collect under the lid and fall back into the chocolate, causing the mass to harden and become grainy. As the chocolate begins to melt, stir with a spoon or spatula, working the chocolate from the sides of the bowl into the centre mass. When the chocolate pieces are almost entirely melted, remove the bowl from the heat, don't forget to stir, and let the remaining chocolate melt by the heat of the larger mass. Cream butter with powder sugar and chocolate until fluffy, add rum and eggs. Mix ground almonds with the flour and fold in chocolate mixture. Carefully butter a baking tray, spoon mixture onto it and bake at 170° C for about 20 minutes. After ten minutes baking time cover dough with parchment paper. Grate streusel, cover half-baked dough with raspberries and sprinkle with the grated streusel. Continue to bake for about 15 minutes. Cool and serve with a dollop of whipped cream.

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